(2-0-1 page )Praise be to Allah and may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon our Prophet
Muhammad, his family, his companions and whoever follows his good path.
(2-0-10 page )Allah the Most High also said: “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. And those who are with him are harsh towards the disbelievers, merciful to one another” 7 He also said: “The unbelievers are only brothers” 8
(2-0-11 page )Thus, believers are brothers in religion and belief, however distant their family ties, their countries and their times. Allah the Most High said: “And [it also belongs] to those who came after them saying: “Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith; and put no resentment in our hearts for those who believe. Lord, You are Compassionate and Most Merciful”. » 9
(2-0-12 page )Believers therefore – from the beginning of creation to its end, and however distant their countries and times may be – are brothers who love one another, and whose ancestors are a model for contemporaries . They mutually invoke Allah's grace for their brothers, and ask Him to forgive them.
(2-0-13 page )You should know that alliance and disavowal have indicator signs:
(2-0-14 page )6 Al-Mâidah v.55
7 Al-Fath v.29
8 Al-Hudjurât v.10
9 Al-Hashr v.10
(2-0-2 page )After the love of Allah and His Messenger, it is necessary to love the chosen ones of Allah and to consider the enemies of Allah as full-fledged adversaries.
(2-0-3 page )Thus, among the foundations of the Islamic creed, we find the fact that the Muslim adhering to it must ally himself with the followers of this belief and take as enemies the adversaries of this creed. He therefore loves the followers of Monotheism (Tawhîd), of the exclusive and sincere worship of Allah, and allies himself with them. As for polytheists, he hates them and considers them enemies. This behavior is part of the religion of Ibrahim and his fellow students, whom Allah ordered us to take as an example. Indeed, Allah – Exalted and Glorified be He – said: “Surely, you had a good example [to follow] in Abraham and in those who were with him, when they said to their people: “We disown you , you and what you worship besides Allah. We deny you. Between you and us, enmity and hatred are forever declared until you believe in Allah alone” Except for the words of Abraham to his father: “I would ask for forgiveness from Allah in your favor, although I can do nothing for you with Allah. ‘‘O Lord! It is in You that we place our trust and it is towards You that we repent. Toward You is becoming. »1.
(2-0-4 page )Furthermore, this behavior is part of the religion of Muhammad ( ). Allah the Most High said: “O you who believe! Do not take Jews and Christians as allies; they are allies of each other. And whoever among you who takes them as allies becomes one of them.
Allah certainly does not guide unjust people. » 2.
(2-0-5 page )This last verse particularly concerns the prohibition of allying oneself with the People of the Book. As for the prohibition of allying with disbelievers in general, Allah said: “O you who believe! Do not take as allies My enemy and yours » 3
(2-0-6 page )Allah has also forbidden the believer to ally himself with disbelievers, even if the latter are his closest relatives. Allah the Exalted said: “O you who believe! Do not take your fathers and brothers as allies if they prefer unbelief to faith. And whoever among you takes them as allies... these are the unjust. » 4
(2-0-7 page )Allah the Most High also said: “You will not find among the people who believe in Allah and the Last Day those who take for friends those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they are theirs. fathers, their sons, their brothers or the people of their tribe” 5
(2-0-8 page )But alas, many people are ignorant of this fundamental principle, so much so that I heard – on an Arabic radio – some people affiliated with science and preaching declaring that Christians were our brothers… how dangerous word!
(2-0-9 page )1 Al-Mumtahanah v.4
2 Al-Mâidah v.51
3 Al-Mumtahanah v.1
4 At-Tawbah v.23
5 Al-Mudjâdalah v.22
Furthermore, alongside the fact that Allah – Exalted be He – has prohibited the alliance with the disbelievers, enemies of the Islamic belief, He has made it obligatory to ally with the believers and to love them. Allah the Most High said: “You have no other allies than Allah, His Messenger, and the believers who perform Salat, pay Zakat, and bow (to Allah). And whoever takes Allah, His Messenger and the believers as allies, [will succeed] because it is the party of Allah that will be victorious. » 6
(3-1-1 page )Indeed, trying to resemble them in clothing, language and other things reveals a love that one feels for the people imitated. This is why the Prophet () said: “Whoever tries to be like a people is part of them.”
(3-1-2 page )Therefore, it is forbidden to attempt to resemble the disbelievers in that which is specific to them, whether in customs, worship, appearance or behavior, such as shaving the beard, to grow their mustaches, to speak in their language unless necessary, to dress as they do, to eat or drink the same as them, and other similar acts.
(3-10-1 page )Allah forbade this when He said: "It is not for the Prophet and the believers to seek forgiveness for the polytheists, even if they are relatives, when it has become clear to them that they are the people of Hell. » 21. Indeed, this would imply loving them, and approving the situation in which they are.
(3-11-1 page )In jobs: Allah the Most High said: “O believers, do not take confidants outside yourselves: they will not fail to upset you. They wish you were in trouble. Hatred has certainly manifested itself in their mouths, but what their chests hide is even more enormous. »22
(3-11-10 page )As for combat: There is divergence among scholars on the question, and the authentic opinion is that it is permitted in times of need and necessity, if those to whom recourse is taken are worthy of trust in the fight.
Ibn El Qayyim cited among the benefits of the pact of “Hudaybiyya”: “Among this: having recourse to the trustworthy polytheist in combat is authorized, in case of necessity.
The advantage being that it is easier for him to mix with the enemy and extract information from him. This is permitted in cases of extreme necessity, because El Zuhrî reports the Prophet – Prayer and Salvation be upon him – had recourse to certain Jews during the battle of Khaybar which had
(3-11-11 page )22 Âli ‘Imrân v.118-120
place during the year 9 of the Hegira. Similarly, Safwan participated in the battle of Hunayn, even though he was a polytheist. As an example of extreme necessity: if the disbelievers are in greater number and they are feared, provided that they choose the right decisions concerning Muslims. Otherwise, if there is no necessity, it is forbidden to take help from an unbeliever, because one cannot be safe from his trickery and his evil, due to his nature.
(3-11-2 page )15 Al-Anfâl v.60
16 Al-A'râf v.32
17 Al-Jâthiah v.13
18 Al-Baqarah v.29
19 Servant of Allah
20 Servant of the Most Merciful
21 At-Tawbah v.113
(3-11-3 page )El Baghâwî – may Allah have mercy on him – said: “do not take confidants outside of yourselves” means: do not take allies or sincere friends outside of your co-religionists. A person's confidants are those close to them. Then Allah Most High explained the reason for the prohibition of taking them as confidants, He said: “they will not fail to upset you” i.e. : they will not skimp on any action that could harm you.
(3-11-4 page )Sheikh El Islam Ibn Taymiyya – may Allah have mercy on him – said: “People of experience know well that those who live under the protection of Muslims, among the Jews, the Christians and the hypocrites, correspond by mail with their co-religionists, in order to inform them of the state of Muslims and their secrets to which they would have had access.
Among the famous verses on this subject:
(3-11-5 page )Any enmity can become affection
Except that of your enemy in religion.
(3-11-6 page )It is for this and other reasons that they were prohibited from having Muslims under their responsibility (i.e. in jobs), and furthermore, from employing less qualified people. qualified than them but sufficient (among Muslims) is more beneficial to Muslims,
both in their religion, as in their worldly affairs, and the small amount of lawful
receives the blessing of Allah, while the large amount of The illicit thing disappears and Allah annihilates it. » [summary of “Majmû° el Fatâwâ” (28/646)]
(3-11-7 page )It is clear from the above:
(3-11-8 page )1. That it is forbidden to grant disbelievers responsibilities allowing them to have power over Muslims, or access to their secrets, such as taking them as ministers or advisors, because Allah Most High says : “don’t take confidants outside of yourself, they won’t fail to upset you.” Or even grant them civil service positions in Muslim states.
(3-11-9 page )2. That it is authorized to hire their services for certain secondary jobs, such as the profession of scout, the construction of buildings, the development of roads, provided that they are not among the Muslim people qualified for these tasks. Indeed, the Prophet –
Prayers and Salvation be upon him – and Abû Bakr hired the services of a person from the
“Bani El Dayl” tribe as a guide and scout, so that she could show them the route during their
emigrated to Medina (the Hegira), while this person was a polytheist.
(3-2-1 page )Indeed, emigration in this sense and for this purpose is obligatory for the Muslim. And
residing in a land of disbelief indicates a certain alliance towards the disbelievers. This is the reason why Allah has forbidden the Muslim to reside among the disbelievers if he has the possibility of emigrating. Allah the Most High said: “Those who have wronged themselves, the Angels will take away their souls, saying: “Where were you? ” (about your religion) -
“We were forced on Earth,” they said. Then the Angels will say: “Was the Land of Allah not large enough for you to emigrate? “These are indeed those whose refuge is Hell. And what a bad destination! With the exception of the weak: men, women and children, incapable of helping themselves, and who find no way: to these, it is possible that Allah will grant forgiveness. Allah is Merciful and Forgiving. » 10
(3-2-2 page )Thus, Allah has not granted extenuating circumstances to anyone regarding residence in a country of disbelievers, except for the weak who do not have the means to emigrate. It is the same for those whose residence in a disbelieving country has a religious benefit, such as calling people to Allah and the spread of Islam in this country.
(3-3-1 page )Traveling to a disbelieving country is prohibited except in cases of necessity, such as medical treatment, commerce, studies in beneficial fields that can only be found abroad.
In these cases, travel is permitted but limited to what is necessary. Therefore, as soon as the need comes to an end, it is then obligatory to return to a Muslim country.
(3-3-2 page )Among the conditions for this journey to be lawful, there is that the Muslim demonstrates his religious affiliation and is proud of his Islam, while distancing himself from places where evil prevails and being on his guard regarding perfidies and tricks of enemies. Likewise, it is permitted – even obligatory – to travel to their countries for the purpose of calling on Allah and spreading Islam.
(3-3-3 page )10 An-Nisa 97-99
(3-4-1 page )These are annulling acts of Islam and causes of apostasy. We ask Allah to protect us from this.
(3-5-1 page )Allah the Most High said: “O you who believe, do not take confidants other than yourselves: they will not fail to upset you. They would like you to be in trouble. Hatred has certainly manifested itself in their mouths, but what their chests hide is even more enormous. We show you the signs. If you could reason!
You (Muslims) love them, while they do not love you; and you have faith in the whole Book. And when they meet you, they say “We believe”; and once alone, in rage against you, they bite their fingers. Say: “Die of your rage”; in truth, Allah knows the contents of hearts very well. When something good touches you, they are saddened. If an evil comes to you, they rejoice. But if you are patient and fear Allah, their scheme will not harm you in any way. Allah knows perfectly well everything they do.” 11
(3-5-2 page )These noble verses reveal the inner feelings of the disbelievers, the inner hatred that they dedicate to Muslims, the criminal and treacherous plots that they foment against them, the desire to cause them damage and harm by all means and the profit that They draw on the trust that Muslims place in them to draw up plans of harm against them.
(3-5-3 page )Imâm Ahmad reports the following words of Abû Mûsâ Al-Ach'arî – may Allah be pleased with him –: “I said one day to 'Umar – may Allah be pleased with him –: 'I have a scribe Christian'. He answered me: 'What is happening to you? May Allah fight you! Have you not heard the word of Allah the Most High: “O you who believe! Do not take Jews and Christians as allies; they are allies of each other. » 12. Why then did you not take a pure monotheist scribe (Hanîf)?’. I justified myself: ‘O Commander of the Faithful! I am only taking advantage of his services as a scribe...
as for his religion, that is his business.' 'Umar retorted: 'I would never honor them when
Allah has humiliated them. I would never esteem them when Allah has despised them. I would never 'bring them closer when Allah has kept them far away.'”
(3-5-4 page )Imam Ahmad and Muslim report from the Prophet () that he went out for the battle of Badr.
A man among the polytheists followed him until he joined him in a rocky place in the
desert. The polytheist said to him: “I desire to follow you in order to enjoy the spoils with you.” The Prophet asked him: “Do you believe in Allah and His prophet? ". The man replied, “No.”
And the Prophet concluded: “Return on your steps, because I would never ask for help from a
(3-5-5 page )11 Ali ‘Imran v.118-120
12 Al-Mâidah v.51
(3-5-6 page )From these texts, it becomes clear that it is forbidden to grant disbelievers positions intended for Muslims, and by means of which they can inquire about the condition of Muslims and their confidential data, and thus draw up stratagems to cause them harm.
(3-5-7 page )This type of situation is current, given the arrival of disbelievers in Muslim countries - and in particular in the country of the two sacred regions - who are employed as workers, drivers, servants or educators in homes, integrating them into the family, or into Muslim society.
(3-6-1 page )The Gregorian calendar is the one which adopts the birth of the Messiah ( ) as its starting date. However, this calendar is completely invented, and is in no way part of the religion of the Messiah ( ). The use of this calendar is a form of participation in the celebration of their rites and festivals.
(3-6-2 page )To avoid this, when the Companions – may Allah be pleased with them – decided to set up a calendar for Muslims from the time of Caliph 'Umar – may Allah be pleased with him – they diverged from the disbelieving calendars and put in place a calendar starting on the date of the Hegira, which proves the obligation to differentiate oneself from the disbelievers regarding calendars, but also regarding all the characteristics which are specific to them. And it is from Allah that we seek help.
(3-7-1 page )Indeed, some exegetes have explained the word of Allah – Exalted and Glorified be He –: “Those who do not give false testimony” 13 by the fact that one of the characteristics of the servants of the Most Merciful is not to not attend the festivals of the disbelievers.
(3-8-1 page )Allah the Most High said: “And do not turn your eyes towards that which We have given temporary enjoyment to certain groups of them, as a decoration of the present life, in order to test them by it. What Allah provides (in Paradise) is better and more lasting. » 14
(3-8-2 page )However, in no case does this mean that Muslims should not invest themselves in the causes of acquiring strength, by learning about production processes, strengthening the licit economy or methods and practices military. It is rather a necessary thing. Allah the Most High said: “And prepare [to fight] against them whatever strength you can”15.
(3-8-3 page )13 Al-Furqân v.72, another possible translation of this verse would be: “Those who do not witness falsehood”
14 Tâ-Hâ v.131
In addition, these benefits, resources and natural laws are at the originally intended for Muslims.
Allah the Most High said: “Say: 'Who has forbidden the adornment of Allah, which He has produced for His servants, and the good foods? ” Say: “They are intended for those who have faith, in this life here below, and exclusively for them on the Day of Resurrection.” » 16
(3-8-4 page )He also said: “And He has made subject to you everything that is in the heavens and on the Earth, all of it from Him” 17
(3-8-5 page )But also: “It is He who created for you everything that is on Earth” 18
(3-8-6 page )Therefore, the duty of Muslims is to be the first to benefit from these benefits and resources, without relying on the disbelievers to provide them. Rather, it is up to Muslims to own technologies and places of production.
(3-9-1 page )Thus, some Muslims give their children – boys or girls – foreign names,
and abandon the names of their parents, grandparents and other names common in their
society. Now the Prophet ( ) said: “The best names are Abdullâh19 and Abdur
Rahmân20” Because of these name changes, there appeared a whole generation of Muslims with foreign names, which caused a split between this generation
and previous generations, in addition to cutting ties between families who were
recognized by their specific names.
(4-1-1 page )Emigration (Hijrah) consists of leaving the countries of disbelievers for the countries of Muslims - with the aim of fleeing to preserve one's religion.
(4-1-2 page )The emigration defined above and for the aforementioned purpose will remain an obligation until the day when the sun rises in the West and the Hour arrives. Furthermore, the Prophet ( ) dissociated himself from any Muslim residing among the polytheists. Consequently, it is forbidden for Muslims to reside in countries of disbelievers, with the exception of those who do not have the means to emigrate or those whose residence presents a religious benefit, such as the call to the religion of 'Allah and the diffusion thereof. Allah the Most High said: “Those who have wronged themselves, the Angels will take away their souls, saying: “Where were you? ”
(about your religion) - “We were forced on Earth,” they said. Then the Angels will say: “Was not the Land of Allah large enough for you to emigrate? ”
These are indeed those whose refuge is Hell. And what a bad destination! With the exception of the weak: men, women and children, incapable of fending for themselves, and who find no way: to these, Allah may grant forgiveness. Allah is Merciful and Forgiving. » 23
(4-10-1 page )Allah the Most High said: “And ask forgiveness for your sins, as well as for the believers and the believing women” 30
(4-10-10 page )Moreover, Muslims have never stopped importing goods and products from the disbelievers, because this is only a commercial transaction for which we owe them no grace and This is not a favor they are doing us.
(4-10-11 page )Moreover, these transactions do not engender their love and their alliance, because Allah has made it obligatory for the believers to love and their alliance, just as He has made it obligatory to hate the disbelievers and to regard them. as enemies.
(4-10-12 page )Allah the Most High said: “Those who believed, emigrated and fought with their goods and their people in the path of Allah, as well as those who gave them refuge and help, these are allies of each other of others. » 35
(4-10-13 page )Further in the same surah Allah the Most High says: “And those who disbelieve are allies of one another. If you do not do this [by breaking ties with the infidels], there will be discord and great disorder on Earth. » 36
(4-10-14 page )33 Luqmân v.15
34 Al-Mudjâdalah v.22
35 Al-Anfâl v.72
36 Al-Anfâl v.73
(4-10-15 page )El Hâfidh Ibn Kathîr said: “The meaning of the divine word “If you do not act thus [by breaking ties with the infidels], there will be discord on earth and great disorder”: is that if you do not If you do not distance yourself from the polytheists and ally yourself with the unbelievers, a great discord will appear among the people, namely confusion (in the distinction between the two groups) and the assimilation of the believers to the unbelievers, which will cause among the men a widespread, immense and extensive disorder…”
I add: this is unfortunately what is happening these days… and it is from Allah whose help we implore.
(4-10-2 page )He also said: “Lord, forgive us and our brothers who have gone before us in the faith” 31
(4-10-3 page )As for the divine word: “Allah does not forbid you from being beneficent and equitable towards those who have not fought you for religion and have not expelled you from your homes. For Allah loves the just. » 32, this means that the disbelievers who
abstain from causing harm to Muslims, by avoiding fighting them and driving them
from their homes, will receive in exchange from Muslims benevolence and equity of
point from a material point of view, without loving them with their heart, because Allah said: “to be beneficent and equitable” but did not say: “to be their allies and to love them”.
(4-10-4 page )29 Al-Kahf v.28
30 Muhammad v.19
31 Al-Hashr v.10
32 Al-Mumtahanah v.8
(4-10-5 page )This verse is comparable to the one concerning disbelieving parents: “And if both of them force you to associate with Me that of which you have no knowledge, then do not obey them; but keep them good company here below. And follow the path of those who return to Me” 33
(4-10-6 page )In addition, Asma’s mother – who was a disbeliever – came to her daughter to maintain her kinship ties. Asmâ therefore asked for permission from the Prophet () to respond to her mother's request. He said to her: “So maintain the ties of kinship with your mother.” But Allah the Most High also said: “You will not find among the people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, who take as friends those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they
their fathers, their sons…” 34
(4-10-7 page )So maintaining family ties and providing for material needs are one thing, and feeling love for the unbeliever is another. Indeed, maintaining kinship ties and demonstrating noble behavior urge the disbeliever to embrace Islam. It is therefore a means of preaching, unlike love and covenant which imply approval and satisfaction with the state in which the unbeliever finds himself, due to the fact that one does not believe does not invite you to embrace Islam.
(4-10-8 page )Furthermore, the prohibition of allying with disbelievers does not mean that one is prohibited from having
exchanges with them, such as permissible commercial transactions, the importation of beneficial
goods and products, or the act of benefit from their experience and their inventions.
(4-10-9 page )Thus, the Prophet ( ) employed Ibn Urayqit Al-Laythî – who was a disbeliever – as a guide and took loans from certain Jews.
(4-2-1 page )Allah the Most High said: “The believing men and women are allies of one another” 24
(4-2-2 page )He also said: “And if they ask you for help in the name of religion, then it is up to you to help them, but not against a people to whom you are bound by a pact” 25
(4-3-1 page )The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “In terms of friendship, solidarity and mutual mercy, Muslims are like one body: when a single member complains of any ailment, the whole body suffers from it. fever and insomnia. He also said: “The believer is to the believer as the walls of a building are: they strengthen each other” and the Prophet () joined the fingers of both hands.
(4-3-2 page )23 An-Nisâ v.97-99
24 At-Tawbah v.71
25 Al-Anfâl v.72
(4-4-1 page )The Prophet () said: “None of you will attain perfect faith until he desires for his brother what he desires for himself.” 26. He also said: “The Muslim is the brother of the Muslim: he does not despise him, nor betray him, nor hand him over (to the enemy). The very fact that a Muslim despises his brother is evil enough.
The whole person of the Muslim is sacred: his blood, his goods and his honor”
He also said: “Do not hate each other, do not argue, do not indulge in
one-upmanship, do not supplant one another others in the purchase of goods and be
brothers, servants of Allah”
(4-5-1 page )Allah the Most High said: “O you who believe! Let one group not make fun of another group: they are perhaps better than them. And that women do not make fun of other women: they are perhaps better than them. Do not denigrate each other or throw (insulting) nicknames at each other. What an ugly word “perversion” is when you already have faith. And whoever does not repent... These are the unjust. O you who believed! avoid speculating too much [about others] because some of the conjecture is sin. And don't spy; and do not speak ill of one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of your dead brother? (No!) you will hate it. And fear Allah. For Allah is Great Accepting of repentance, Most Merciful. » 27
(4-6-1 page )Unlike the hypocrites who stand by believers in easy and pleasant situations, but who neglect them in difficult and painful situations.
Allah the Most High said: “They remain in expectation of you; if a victory comes to you from Allah, they say: “Were we not with you? ”; and if there is any benefit to the disbelievers. They say to them: “Have we not laid hands on you to remove you from the believers? “So Allah will judge among you on the Day of Resurrection. And Allah will never give the disbelievers the upper hand over the believers. » 28
(4-7-1 page )26 Reported by Al-Bukhâri, chapter El Îmâne (13) and Muslim chapter El Îmâne (45)
27 Al-Hudjurât v.11-12
28 An-Nisâ v.141
We find in a hadith Qudsî: “My mercy will necessarily reach those who visit one another seeking My satisfaction.” In another hadith: “A man visited one of his brothers in Allah. Allah then sent an angel on his way who questioned him: 'Where are you going like this?' like this?' 'No, the fact is that I love him in Allah'.
The angel then said to him: 'Allah has sent me to you to inform you that He loves you as you
loved this brother for Allah'"
(4-8-1 page )He must therefore not supplant them in their sales, nor outbid on a price already agreed upon, nor ask for the hand of a woman already solicited by another Muslim, nor supplant them in any permitted transaction that they have already initiated.
(4-8-2 page )The Prophet () said: “Let none of you supplant his brother in his sales, nor ask for the hand of a woman already solicited by him.” We find in another version: “nor outbid on a price already agreed”
(4-9-1 page )In accordance with the words of the Prophet ( ): "He is not one of us who does not respect the oldest among us and does not show mercy to the youngest."
(4-9-2 page )He also said: “Through whom do you think that Allah grants you victory and sustenance if not through the weakest among you? »
(4-9-3 page )Allah the Most High said: “Be patient [by remaining] with those who call upon their Lord morning and evening, desiring His Face. And let not your eyes detach themselves from them, seeking (the false) brilliance of life here below” 29
(5-0-1 page )In terms of alliance and disavowal, people are divided into three categories:
(5-1-1 page )They are the sincere believers among the Prophets, the truthful, the martyrs and the pious.
(5-1-2 page )At their head is the Prophet ( ) to whom we owe a love even greater than that which we feel for ourselves, our children, our parents and all humanity.
(5-1-3 page )After the Prophet ( ) come his wives, mothers of the believers, the virtuous members of his family, his noble companions, and in particular the well-guided caliphs, the rest of the ten companions promised to paradise, the Emigrants (Muhâdjirûn), the Auxiliaries (Ansâr), the
participants in the Battle of Badr, those who took the oath of allegiance during the
Ar-Ridwân oath and the rest of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them all.
(5-1-4 page )After them come the Followers (Tâbi’ûn), the honorable generations, and the predecessors and Imams of this community, like the four Imams.
(5-1-5 page )Allah the Most High said: “And [it also belongs] to those who came after them saying: “Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith;
and put no resentment in our hearts for those who believe. Lord, You are
Compassionate and Most Merciful”. » 37
(5-1-6 page )Moreover, whoever has faith in his heart cannot hate the Companions and the predecessors of this community.
(5-1-7 page )In fact, those who hate them are the misguided, the hypocrites and enemies of Islam like the Shiites and the Kharijites, may Allah spare us from them.
(5-2-1 page )These are absolute disbelievers, among the impious, the polytheists, the hypocrites, the renegades and atheists, without any distinction.
(5-2-2 page )This is in accordance with the saying of Allah the Most High: “You will not find among the people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, who take as friends those who oppose Allah and His Messenger , whether they were their fathers, their sons, their brothers or people of their tribe” 38
(5-2-3 page )37 Al-Hashr v.10
(5-2-4 page )Allah the Most High also said while blaming the Jews: “You see many of them allying themselves with the disbelievers. How evil is indeed what their souls have prepared for themselves, so that they have incurred the wrath of Allah, and it is in torment that they will remain forever. If they believed in Allah, the Prophet and what was sent down to him, they would not take these disbelievers as allies. But many of them are perverse. » 39
(5-3-1 page )Thus, love and enmity come together for this kind of people who are the sinners among the believers. We love them because of the faith that animates them, but we hate them because of their disobedience of a lower level than unbelief and polytheism.
(5-3-10 page )The fiercest individuals in the war against Allah are those who have enmity for the companions of the Prophet (), insult them and denigrate them.
(5-3-11 page )But the Prophet () said: “Fear Allah about my Companions! Fear Allah over my Companions! Let them not be the target of your attacks, because whoever harms them, harms me, and whoever harms me, harms Allah, and whoever harms Allah, will be punished under little » 42.
(5-3-12 page )And enmity towards the Companions and their offense has become a religion and a creed among certain misguided sects.
(5-3-13 page )We seek Allah's protection from His wrath and painful punishment, just as we seek His forgiveness and protection. May Allah grant His prayers, greetings and blessings to our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions.
(5-3-14 page )40 Reported by Ibn Djarîr
41 Reported by El-Bukhârî
42 Reported by At-Tirmidhi and other
(5-3-2 page )Furthermore, the love we feel for them implies that we advise them and condemn their actions. Thus, it is not permissible to remain silent about their transgressions, but rather it is incumbent upon us to condemn their misdeeds, command them to do good and forbid them to do evil. Legal punishments and reprimands are applied to them, until they refrain from disobeying Allah and repent of committing such sins.
(5-3-3 page )But we must not – on the one hand – absolutely hate them and disavow them as the Kharijites say about someone who commits a great sin less than polytheism.
On the other hand, we must not love them and ally with them absolutely as the
Murdji’ah say. It is therefore appropriate to stick to the right measure as we have detailed, and this is the way of the Sunnis (Ahl Sunnah Wal Djamâ'ah.)
(5-3-4 page )Love for Allah and hatred for Him is one of the strongest anchors of faith. Especially since the human being will join those he loves on the Day of Resurrection, as was related in a hadith.
(5-3-5 page )Alas, times have changed, to the point where the majority of alliances and enmities between people are based on the goods of this world. Thus, anyone who aspires to achieve one of the material goods of this world will find many allies, even if he is an enemy of Allah, His prophet and the religion of Islam.
(5-3-6 page )And anyone who does not have the same ambitions will find many enemies who will not stop causing him torment and despising him for the slightest reason, even if this person is an ally of Allah and His prophet.
(5-3-7 page )Ibn 'Abbas said on this subject: "To love for Allah, to hate for Allah, to ally for Allah, to disavow for Allah: this is how one attains holiness with Allah.. But
today" Today – alas – the majority of fraternity relationships linking people are based on the affairs of this world. But this will not bring them anything good” 40
(5-3-8 page )38 Al-Mudjâdalah v.22
39 Al-Mâidah v.80-81
(5-3-9 page )Abu Hurayrah – may Allah be pleased with him – said: The Prophet () said: “Allah the Most High said:
‘Whoever takes one of my allies as an enemy, I declare war on him’” 41